Saturday, May 09, 2009

Eagles learn to fly

I subscribe to a daily motivational email -

A few days back there was an issue titled "Baby Pigeons?". Its available at

It talks about how pigeons protect their babies and hence their babies prefer to walk than fly even when they grow up into pigeons. 

There is an eagle nest in a park outside our home. The baby eagles are learning flying these days. 

I once noticed that one of the baby eagles was lying just outside our house - just next to the door. It must have got tired flying OR missed the target of sitting on the fence or the wall OR something of the sort and had fallen. I checked it out from a distance to see if it was still alive. It was blinking its eyes - proof enough that it was alive. I thought of helping. As I approached it, one of the parent eagles swooped low at me to stop me from touching it. It feared that I will do harm. I looked around and found that the other parent was also keeping a close eye.  I stopped short of doing anything and let the baby be.

Soon enough, the baby was gone. 

And I noticed today that it flies high enough already :)

I realized that Eagles fly high because they learn by falling. And then by rising with the power within. And the parents keep a close watch so that no harm comes.

Same applies to us too... God keeps a close watch that no harm reaches us even when we fall... He also prevents any external help to reach us - because He wants us to fly "high". The help may prevent us from learning to rise ourselves.

So, when we have fallen and feel helpless, then we should remember that we too are learning to fly. God is not sending us help just yet because he wants us to rise with the power within and procure resources and strength to start flying again. He wants us to fly "high"

1 comment:

दर्शन said...

what a wonderful observation :)

it shows how one see all the positives even when we fall ..

really good !!!