Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Time is Unreal

We should always remember that
  • Time is a contrivance designed by man to help him in his activities
  • The true power of man is not limited by this contrivance
  • Man has infinite power. We just need to realize it
  • For realizing this infinite source of power within oneself, one needs to first free oneself of the slavery to all contrivances
  • The very fact that "Truth is Independent of Time", proves that time is but a delusion - a concept to which all of us have subscribed. We DESERVE, we NEED and we HAVE TO rise above this delusion
  • All pain in this world has its roots in this delusion of time. Consider any pain - death, anger... all is caused because we don't realize that the truth will always remain. That what existed before will continue to exist in its true essense.
  • It is the worldy delusion of physical presence and attachment/ love for the illusory physical form that causes pain.

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